C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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408 lines
MicroEMACS version 3.11 Release Notes
(C)Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 by Daniel M. Lawrence
MicroEMACS 3.11 can be copied and distributed freely for any
non-commercial purposes. Commercial users may use MicroEMACS
3.11 inhouse. Shareware distributors may redistribute
MicroEMACS 3.11 for media costs only. MicroEMACS 3.11 can only
be incorporated into commercial software or resold with the
permission of the current author.
MicroEMACS 3.11 is available in a couple of different ways.
First, it is available via my bulletin board system.....
The Programmer's Room
FIDO 201/10
(317) 742-5533
24 hours 300/1200/2400 baud
There it is arranged as five MSDOS .ARC (SEA format) files,
UE311DOC.ARC which contains the documentation files, UE311C.ARC which
contains the C sources, UE311H.ARC which contains the header files and
assembly sources, UE311MAK.ARC which contains various files to help
make EMACS, and UE311CMD.ARC which contains startup and command files.
All the various executables are available individually.
UE311DOC.ARC includes the files:
READ.ME This file
UE311MAK.ARC includes the files:
All of these files will need to be examined to set proper
directories and options for your individual system and setup.
MAKE150 HP150 Turbo C makefile
MAKEAMIG Commodore AMIGA AZTEC makefile
MAKEANSI IBM-PC Turbo-C ANSI version makefile
MAKEDGEN Data General UNIX makefile
MAKEFMR Fugitsu MSDOS MicroSoft C makefile
MAKEGCC Unix GCC makefile
MAKEM5 IBM-PC MicroSoft version 5 makefile
MAKEM6 IBM-PC MicroSoft version 5 makefile
MAKENEC NEC-9800 series MSDOS MicroSoft C makefile
MAKEOS2 OS/2 MicroSoft C makefile
MAKETC IBM-PC DOS Turbo C makefile
MAKETCPP IBM-PC DOS Turbo C++ makefile
MAKEUNIX General UNIX makefile
MAKEZOR IBM-PC Zortech C makefile
cmdfix.lnk Link file for CMDFIX.EXE under MSDOS/Turbo C
emacs.lnk Link file for CMDFIX.EXE under MSDOS/Turbo C
UE311CMD.ARC includes the files:
BPAGE.CMD Block and box manipulation page
BUFDEL.CMD Select and delete multiple buffers
CAL1.CMD Single month calender
CAL3.CMD Three month calander
CALUTIL.CMD Calander utility procedures
CPAGE.CMD C language page
EDT.CMD DEC EDT emulator
EHELP.CMD Online help system macro functions
EHELP1.TXT Text for online help system (part 1)
EHELP2.TXT Text for online help system (part 2)
EMACS.RC Standard startup file
ENCODE.CMD Demonstration of the &xlate function
EPAGE.CMD Emacs macro debugging page
ERROR.CMD Mark Williams C error parsing file
FUNC.CMD Allow function keys on systems with none (like UNIX)
IWRAP.CMD Indented wrapping procedure
LPAGE.CMD Lisp language mode
NEWPAGE.CMD Shifted Function key Pager
OPAGE.CMD Cobol Language page (not finished)
PLATIN.CMD Procedures for Pig Latin translations
POS.CMD Display current line and column constantly
PPAGE.CMD Pascal language page
SCAN.CMD Spell check scanner for MicroSPELL 2.0
SENTENCE.CMD Sentence operations
SHELL.CMD Sample interactive MSDOS shell
SMOOTH.CMD smooth scrolling control macro
TABLE.CMD Creates a table of bound function keys
WPAGE.CMD Word processing page
UE311H.ARC includes the files:
DUTCH.H DUTCH text header file
EBIND.H binding list
EDEF.H global variable declarations
EFUNC.H function name list
ELANG.H Text header control file
ENGLISH.H ENGLISH text header file
EPATH.H default path settings
EPROTO.H C language prototypes for MicroEMACS functions
ESTRUCT.H configuration and structure definitions
EVAR.H EMACS macro variable declarations
FRENCH.H FRENCH text header file
GERMAN.H GERMAN text header file
JAPAN.H JAPANESE text header file
LATIN.H LATIN text header file
PLATIN.H PIG LATIN text header file
SPANISH.H SPANISH text header file
UE311C.ARC includes the files:
AMIGADOS.C Amiga system I/O functions
ANSI.C ANSI screen driver
AOSVS.C Data General Mainframe driver
BASIC.C basic cursor movement
BIND.C key binding commands
BUFFER.C buffer manipulation commands
CHAR.C character set mapping and manipulation functions
CMDFIX.C old to new .CMD file translation program
CRYPT.C encryption functions
DG10.C Data General 10 screen driver
DISPLAY.C main display driver
DOLOCK.C file locking stub routines
EVAL.C expression evaluator
EXEC.C macro execution functions
EXECPR.ASM MSDOS execute function
FILE.C user file functions
FILEIO.C low level file I/O driver
FMR.C Fujitsu FMR terminal driver
FMRDOS.C Fujitsu FMR OS functions
HISTORY.C MicroEMACS edit history
HP110.C HP110 screen driver
HP150.C HP150(A or C) screen driver
INPUT.C low level user input driver
ISEARCH.C incremental search functions
KEYBOARD.C extended keyboard code(MSDOS only)
LINE.C text line manipulation functions
LOCK.C file locking functions
MAIN.C argument parsing and command loop
ME.C VMS optional main file
MOUSE.C mouse handling user level functions
MPE.C HP3000 MPE terminal driver/OS functions
MSDOS.C MS/PCDOS I/O functions
NEC.C NEC 9800 series terminal driver
NECDOS.C NEC 9800 series OS functions
OS2.C OS/2 functions
OS2NPM.C OS/2 non-presentation manager terminal driver
RANDOM.C other random user functions
REGION.C region cut & paste functions
SCREEN.C screen management functions
SEARCH.C search and replace functions
SMG.C DEC VMS terminal driver/OS functions
ST52.C Atari 520/1040ST screen driver
STMOUSE.S ATARI ST1040 assemble code
TAGS.C TAG lookup functions
TCAP.C Termcap screen driver
TIPC.C TI-PC screen driver
TOS.C ATARI ST1040 TOS driver
UNIX.C UNIX I/O functions
VMS.C DEC VMS terminal driver/OS functions
VT52.C VT52 screen driver
WINDOW.C window manipulation functions
WMCS.C WICAT system I/O functions
WORD.C word manipulation functions
Z309.C Zenith 100 PC series terminal driver
Various Executables available include:
CMDFIX.EXE Fixes old command files (MSDOS)
ME110.EXE HP110 portable version
ME150.EXE HP150 version
ME520.PRG Atari 520/1040ST version
MEAMIGA. Amiga 500/1000/2000 version
MEANSI.EXE MSDOS ANSI graphics version
MEDG10.EXE Data General 10 PC version
METIPC.EXE TI Professional version
MEZ309.EXE Zenith 100 PC series version
MicroSPELL 2.0 is also available. This version is the first
major update released in several years. These program allows you to
spell check text files and use MicroEMACS to scan the file, making
suggestions and doing various corrections.
As before, I will continue to support these programs, and
encourage everyone to spread them around as much as they can. If you
make what you think are changes that are useful to many, send me the
updates, and as time permits, I will incorporate the ones I understand,
and agree with into the master sources.
MicroEMACS is available on disk directly from my by sending me
$25 per order and a note specifying the disk format and the product
that you need. I can fill orders for IBM-PC high/low density 5 1/4 and
3 1/5, ATARI ST single and double density, and AMIGA disks. (You do not
need to send disks or mailers, I will provide these.) The distribution
set includes on disk all docs, executables and sources. Also I will
register you and you will receive automatic notices of new versions of
all the programs I am releasing.
Commercial licences to allow MicroEMACS to be incorporated into
other software packages are also available at a reasonable per package
price. Also I am available to do customization of MicroEMACS at an
hourly rate. Send all requests to the address below:
USmail: Daniel Lawrence
617 New York St
Lafayette, IN 47901
ARPA: mdbs!dan@ee.ecn.purdue.edu
FIDO: The Programmer's Room 201/10
(317) 742-5533